Father's Day 2005. Aaron's first and this picture really says thousands of words. To me, it's so much more than just a sweet picture of Seth and his Daddy taking a nap together. It shows the kind of dad he is, loving, tender, strong, gentle and totally and completely in love with his sons. As soon as they were born Aaron seemed to have had years of experience holding newborns, feeding them, changing diapers... it was amazing. On the other hand I also see the New Dad who the other day had this conversation with me:
Me: Pretty soon the boys will be ready to start having cereal.
Aaron: Really? I don't know Jenn.
Me: Yeah, why not? They usually start around 4 months.
Aaron: I don't know, I just can't picture them chewing Cheerios that soon.
Yep. New Daddy. I didn't miss a beat, and I didn't even crack a smile.
Me: Oh, they have a rice cereal that's like cream of wheat texture.
Aaron: Okay, yeah, I guess they'll be ready.
So, to all you daddy's, old pros and brand new. Stand-ins, step-ins and moms who do it all themselves... Happy Father's Day. From an old pro mommy who loves her New Daddy more every day. Cheerios or not.

happy first father's day Aaron..you are a great daddy..wait till you get those great homemade cards and presents!!!