Hey, I know you!

So, tonight Seth really noticed JP. He was intently looking at him while I was giving him a little baby massage after tubby time. Then, he started really talking to him. He was smiling away and just chatting up a storm. It was so cute. But, when it was JP's turn to take his bath and I picked him up... Seth just started screaming and crying. He had the saddest pout! I put JP back down and he stopped right away! I had to sit Seth on the other side of the tub while I gave JP his bath!

So, Seth had two baths and apparently a really great conversation with his brother. I think was the first time he realized that that other baby isn't a "part" of him but actually a whole other being. I don't know if that's possible this early, but he sure had a great time. Of course, these are the same babies who talk to the light hanging in our dining room. We actually named it "Lampy"! Oh goodness....


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