Happy Birthday Danielle!
One of my rays of sunshine turns 9 on the 15th. One year left before the big double digits. Hard to imagine. Danielle. Amazing kid. When she was a baby she cried so rarely that both of her eyes had blocked tear ducts. She would sit on a blanket and play quietly for hours. She didn't really crawl that much and when she started walking, she never ventured far.
And then... she turned 2. And all of a sudden, SHE WAS ON FIRE!
Danielle became snap, crackle and pop all at the same time. Her brown eyes were so full of LIFE, and ENERGY. She started telling jokes and her mission in life became making people laugh and smile.
Nowadays, pretty much everything she does is silly and fun or loving and caring. I almost never have to discipline her. She gets awesome grades. She is an awesome sister to Autumn and her brothers. She is adorable, really... just ask her.
She shows no fear. When she was a toddler she would insist she could swim. She would just leap into a pool and as she started sinking to the bottom, she would yelp..." I CAN SWIM!" We would grab her and say, "Ah, Danielle... you can't swim yet."
So, here we are. Right before her 9th birthday. She spends more time on her hands practicing hand stands and front walk-overs than on her feet. She quotes Napolean Dynamite, Austin Powers, and any other number of favorite movie characters. She knows every tv commercial jingle, Disney television show and is an avid Elvis fanatic. Yes. Elvis. Go figure.
Oh, and as Autumn has just reminded is strangely attached to the Charmin commercials. You know... "Cha-cha-cha... Charmin!" But as a 4 year old, she thought they were saying "Chabling". After every singing of the Happy Birthday Song, she adds in the CHA CHA CHA... CHARMIN! It's absolutely goofy and silly and cracks everyone up.
So, buddy. Thanks for the 9 years of absolute hysterics, DRAMA, antics, and your kindness, gentleness (don't ask the cat though on that one) and amazing talents, your awesome brain, your look on life... I love you entirely and completely. You make me so proud sweety.
And then... she turned 2. And all of a sudden, SHE WAS ON FIRE!
Danielle became snap, crackle and pop all at the same time. Her brown eyes were so full of LIFE, and ENERGY. She started telling jokes and her mission in life became making people laugh and smile.
Nowadays, pretty much everything she does is silly and fun or loving and caring. I almost never have to discipline her. She gets awesome grades. She is an awesome sister to Autumn and her brothers. She is adorable, really... just ask her.
She shows no fear. When she was a toddler she would insist she could swim. She would just leap into a pool and as she started sinking to the bottom, she would yelp..." I CAN SWIM!" We would grab her and say, "Ah, Danielle... you can't swim yet."
So, here we are. Right before her 9th birthday. She spends more time on her hands practicing hand stands and front walk-overs than on her feet. She quotes Napolean Dynamite, Austin Powers, and any other number of favorite movie characters. She knows every tv commercial jingle, Disney television show and is an avid Elvis fanatic. Yes. Elvis. Go figure.
Oh, and as Autumn has just reminded is strangely attached to the Charmin commercials. You know... "Cha-cha-cha... Charmin!" But as a 4 year old, she thought they were saying "Chabling". After every singing of the Happy Birthday Song, she adds in the CHA CHA CHA... CHARMIN! It's absolutely goofy and silly and cracks everyone up.
So, buddy. Thanks for the 9 years of absolute hysterics, DRAMA, antics, and your kindness, gentleness (don't ask the cat though on that one) and amazing talents, your awesome brain, your look on life... I love you entirely and completely. You make me so proud sweety.
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