6 Months Old
Well, Seth and JP had their check ups yesterday. I can't believe a half a year has gone by. So amazing to me how quick time has passed. One thing about sort of starting over, you have a great perspective on appreciating every day. I know how quickly it goes, I just have to look at my girls.
Seth weighed in at 16'11 and JP was 15'10. I really thought they were pushing 18 each! And I really thought that Seth was going to be a lot heavier than JP,so that was a surprise. They just seem so big to me.
We're working on sitting up right now. They sort of flop over or tip to one side still. Apparently they should be able to do this already, but I'm not rushing it. They were a month early, so I'll wait another month before I worry about it too much.
So, that's the latest in babyland!
Seth weighed in at 16'11 and JP was 15'10. I really thought they were pushing 18 each! And I really thought that Seth was going to be a lot heavier than JP,so that was a surprise. They just seem so big to me.
We're working on sitting up right now. They sort of flop over or tip to one side still. Apparently they should be able to do this already, but I'm not rushing it. They were a month early, so I'll wait another month before I worry about it too much.
So, that's the latest in babyland!
Six months flies by, doesn't it? My two turtledoves will be six months old next week. Isn't having twin boys just a wonderful blessing? Finally some stranger said to me yesterday "How lucky!" instead of "double trouble" or "you poor thing." Finally somebody got it right!