This is a little scary and a lot true.

I'm a pure-blooded Sag. Seriously. If you go and read the definition of Sagittarius, I believe it gives my phone number. So, I was reading some garbage on and saw this article about what careers would be suitable for a Sagittarius. Every single one of these, and I mean ALL of them have crossed my mind as a possible way of making some scratch.

What's really cool is that Animal Trainer is listed. Since bringing Clancy home I've been up to my eyeballs in dog training web sites, books, you name it. And I'm absolutely falling in love with this. I mean, the simplest little tricks that just click with him is so fascinating. How cool would it be to make your living doing this?

Okay, so here is the article absolutely snatched from (I bolded some cool points so you won't need to read all of it)::


Sagittarius is well-suited to any career in which communication skills, knowledge, and inspiration are important. This is an employee who will be versatile, adventurous, and knowledgeable. They tend to be easygoing and good-natured and able to adapt easily to change.

The Archer enjoys a workplace that is lively and stimulating. They are not temperamentally suited to a job that is boring or with no opportunity for growth and learning. Sagittarius prefers a career that allows them the opportunity to expand their horizons, travel, and explore.

Sagittarius natives do not like to be constricted in their daily routine or have to adhere to a lot of rules. Motivated by challenges and the chance to prove their abilities, this sign will become a life-long learner and will always be looking for new avenues to pursue. They may change careers several times in their life.

The following careers are ideal for high-aiming Archers:

Sagittarius has a love of books and knowledge, and this career would be very aligned with the goals of this sign. Whether through books, magazines or the Internet, the Archer is capable of reaching many people and enjoys disseminating ideas, storytelling, and opening issues for discussion. Whether this information ends up being meaningful depends on the individual.

Dog Walker/Pet Sitter:
This job appeals to Sagittarius's love of animals and their welfare. It allows a great deal of freedom, good companionship, and the chance to get some exercise in the fresh air. Sagittarius will not only make sure your beloved pet has enough food, water, and exercise, but will also take the time to interact with them. Sometimes natives of this sign prefer the company of pets to people anyway, because they are much more sensible.

The life of a religious person is perfect for Sagittarius. There are many avenues to pursue, from being cloistered and austere to leading a congregation or being a lay minister. All aspects appeal to Sagittarius on some level, but each individual must choose the right path. Focusing on spiritual matters, exploring, counseling, facilitating, and learning are all ways in which the Archer can live authentically and help others.

With this path in life, Sagittarius will be able to follow a religious calling, but in a foreign country. The combination of those two elements would certainly make up for the lack of a good income or, in some cases, running water. Sagittarius is usually very dedicated to their cause and can really make a difference when they are committed. Some people feel they should be committed, but that's another story.

Animal Trainer:
Sagittarius understands animals on a very deep level and is able to communicate naturally with them. This makes them the perfect person to work with all types of creatures. Trainers can be hired to improve animal behavior, as well as to teach them to do certain jobs. Guide dogs and racehorses have probably had a lot of trainers that were Sagittarius. The Archer is able to bring out the best in their students, and they get a lot of satisfaction from this type of career. That might explain why Sagittarius natives often keep a pocket full of treats that confuse people who don't know what they do for a living.

The Sagittarius native often has done extensive traveling or lived in a foreign country. They can easily make contacts that will allow them to source products to import. In some cases, it may be a way to include travel with business, which is an attractive concept to Sagittarius. The Archer will be adept at negotiating, arranging contracts, and identifying legalities. Hopefully, the goods are legal.

Because of their love of foreign countries, culture, and language, this career would be ideal. Sagittarius can either work in another country, or in their own. This career requires an agile mind, facility for languages, good communication skills, and the ability to express concepts readily. This job would be full of variety and new experiences and mentally stimulating. It may require the ability to quickly edit content for suitability. Side Note: Does Drunk French count?? Deux bier, sank pea-esse!

College Professor:
Sagittarius is always seeking knowledge and can be an inspirational teacher. They love to keep their students interested with stories of adventure and motivate them with encouragement. The native of this sign is perfectly suited to a life in an academic setting, in front of a roomful of eager minds. As long as they remain interested and stimulated by a subject, they are able to be great teachers. If they are not, the sabbaticals become more frequent over time.

There is also a talent for promotion and sales within Sagittarius. They are able to conceive of special events and programs and then take the steps to pull everything together and make it work. They are wonderful facilitators and are able to multitask easily. This is the sign that loves the art of making a deal and putting all the elements in place. They risk big and most of the time it pays off, but sometimes the fall can be spectacular.

Another job that allows them to break away from the confines of corporate life is that of a tutor. Sagittarius is an excellent choice to nurture and develop a student who is having problems with a subject. They can easily work to improve literacy, math skills, languages, or any subject that involves foreign content. Working with another person to develop their skill and mastery is a dream job indeed. They may, however, get easily distracted and miss appointments.


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