The new HPV vaccine has the potential of saving thousands of women's lives. Thousands upon thousands. It is in essence a vaccine against one of the deadliest cancers that afflict women. One of the most painful as well.
We have vaccines for the flu, chicken pox, polio, measles, mumps and lots of other things. And parents, myself included, have no problem trotting our kids into the doc and having them shot up with chemical after chemical. After all, its in their best interest.
No one has a problem with this. The churches, the parenting groups... they all sort of go along with the flock. But - now that we have an immunization that has to do with "girl parts" the Catholic church is squeemish. Lots of people are suddenly questioning a virtual CURE FOR CANCER. Or, girl cancer.
Why? Because HPV is a super common venereal disease and good Catholic girls don't get those if they are following the rules. This leads the Texas Catholic Conference of bishops to halt the current decision of requiring girls to receive this immunization. Did they try to stop the chicken pox or polio vaccines? Their issue here is a moral one. Their religious beliefs are interfering with the health and well being of teenage girls and future young women.
Look, I don't want the government telling me how to raise my kids either. But moreover, I don't want a church making medical decisions for the greater good either. Any church or any other special interest/lobbist group has no business telling people that this vaccine is any less important or more likely to have your ass spend an eternity in a burning pit of hellfire.
That's all I got on this.
We have vaccines for the flu, chicken pox, polio, measles, mumps and lots of other things. And parents, myself included, have no problem trotting our kids into the doc and having them shot up with chemical after chemical. After all, its in their best interest.
No one has a problem with this. The churches, the parenting groups... they all sort of go along with the flock. But - now that we have an immunization that has to do with "girl parts" the Catholic church is squeemish. Lots of people are suddenly questioning a virtual CURE FOR CANCER. Or, girl cancer.
Why? Because HPV is a super common venereal disease and good Catholic girls don't get those if they are following the rules. This leads the Texas Catholic Conference of bishops to halt the current decision of requiring girls to receive this immunization. Did they try to stop the chicken pox or polio vaccines? Their issue here is a moral one. Their religious beliefs are interfering with the health and well being of teenage girls and future young women.
Look, I don't want the government telling me how to raise my kids either. But moreover, I don't want a church making medical decisions for the greater good either. Any church or any other special interest/lobbist group has no business telling people that this vaccine is any less important or more likely to have your ass spend an eternity in a burning pit of hellfire.
That's all I got on this.
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