I write this thing for a couple reasons. The main reason is this is really a journal I'd like my sons to grow up and be able to read their family history, about their birth and their first years. Some things I'd like to throw out there:

After just having our first few real Spring weather days, Seth ran to the front door the other day saying, "More of dat!" It was adorable! He was in his jammies and it was about 7am and all they wanted was to get OUTSIDE!

JP is trying talk. With every ounce of his little self. He repeats every sound and every word lately. Today he was saying "bubble pop" and "cup". It was awesome!

Next week JP goes for his follow up hearing test... I'd bet on it being perfect.

Ever hear of the saying "Spirited Child"? That's nicey-nice for "holy crap my kid is into everything and when the hell is nap time?" Seth. Totally. If it's big enough, he climbs it. If it's small enough he eats it. If it can be picked up, it can be thrown. If he wants it, he finds a way to get it. If he shouldn't have it, he really wants it. If he should have it, he gives it to the dog. Spirited. Totally. And I'm exhausted.

Hmmm... what else? Oh, trying to drop 15 pounds or 20. I bought a scale and it scares me to death. The scale used to have say over what my day would be like. If it was up a pound, it was a bad day. So, we'll see how it goes. I keep stepping on it and my weight literally fluctuates hugely throughout the day.... I guess thats normal. It is frustrating. I'm just trying to be healthy.

In entertainment news: The bastards cancelled Black Donnelly's. How is it that crappy Brothers and Sisters is still on and this show is not?! Idiots. Have you seen October Road? Ugh. Terrible. A fricking shut in???

GA is on right now. Seriously. God I love this show. I'm such a girl.

Okay, so enough. I need to sleep. Meredith is taking off her pants trying to apologize to McDreamy. That should do the trick. I hear the best apologies start or end with that exact action.


  1. I love that expression "spirited child." That is so Spencer. And Alex said bubble last week, too. I was surprised to hear such a big word from him! I hope we're still going to get together next month. I'm dying to meet you guys!

  2. It's on my calendar!! I can't wait either!

    JP started his speech therapy on Friday and she told be to concentrate on words with "b" "p". I guess these are the easiest for them to form. By teaching these ones first, you set them up for success and make them want to say more.

    Pretty cool! Also, the act of blowing bubbles is supposed to help in developing mouth and tongue muscles.

    I just wonder if that includes dumping the bottle over and then sliding across the kitchen floor?? Spirited child? In my house? Never!


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