In my prayers and thoughts...

Jim, I don't know if you have ever seen this thing but if by chance you do, I'm writing the things I can't say. I guess that's why I have this.
You can be the father your daughter needs you to be. Don't be afraid of it. Don't hesitate to know that you are her blood and her only real family. She has been lost for a long time, but finally she is coming home to you.
Be everything you said you would be. Be her father. When you have moments that you feel totally inept and lost (and you will, trust me!)... just think about our dad and do whatever you think he would have done. It works, trust me.
Oh, and you should probably always have mom on speed dial. Add Lisa, Kathy and I. You dear brother are in for ride. And we all have got your back.
From a safe distance anyhow. hahaha.
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