Have you heard about this yet?

A 17 year old with too much time on his hands and a whole crap load of brains has unlocked the iPhone. He posted his how-to on his blog. The coolest part is that he kept one for himself to use on his T-Mobile account and traded another for a Nissan Z, 3 more iPhones (to give to his friends) and a consulting job he can do while in school.

Check out his site, its pretty amazing he was able to do it. Reading the how to entries is like trying to decipher Sandscrit. A sample:

So here is the first tool release, iEraser.
This erases the current firmware on your modem. Don't worry, you can
always put it back with bbupdater. Here how the bootrom check works; it
reads from 0xA0000030 0xA000A5A0 0xA0015C58 0xA0017370 and all these
addresses must read as blank, or 0xFFFFFFFF. When you erase flash, it
becoms 0xFFFFFFFF. But you can't erase those locations, because they
are in the bootloader. So thats where the testpoint comes in. Pulling
A17 high hardware OR's the address bus with 0x00040000(offset one
because data bus is 16 bit) So the bootrom instead checks locations
0xA0040030 0xA004A5A0 0xA0045C58 0xA0047370, which are in the main
firmware and can be erased. Pretty genius :)

Yeah, sure... no problem kid. A bright future for this kid or what?? Probably not a lot of chicks though. So there's that.


Knowing who reads my blog, there are some of you who probably have no idea what "unlocked cell phone" means. Basically it means that you breakdown the magical insides of your cell phone so that it can be used on any cellphone carrier. If you have a really expensive Verizon phone and you switch to T-Mobile, you can't use that Verizon phone. Unless you "unlock" it, then you can use it with any carrier.

Basically this boy did what I like to call BTS, Beating the System. Or damning the man. He is using his iPhone, built for AT&T only right now, on his T-Mobile account.

In pretty much every other country, excepting the USA, cell phones are only sold unlocked. You go out and choose your network and then any ole phone being sold can be used. I love the Verizon phones but I have T-Mobile. So... I'm shit out of luck. Unless I go onto e-bay and buy a Verizon unlocked phone. Then, I'll be BTS too!

Its pretty stupid how things are done around here, but hey, go capitalism right?

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