Defining females?

I have long believed that the great hypocracy of the Republican party is their purported belief in less government while continuously denying rights, attempting to take away rights and legislate morality. Today, listening to a talk show host on AM radio confirmed this belief.

Perhaps you have heard about the case of the woman who was screamed at, humiliated and denied service at a public restaurant because an idiot bouncer didn't believe she was a woman. Even after she offered to show identification. Now, what is particularly scary about this is that people were calling into the show with the following comments:

"These people are trying to redefine what is normal and force their perverted lives on the general public."

"She should have used the men's room. Men don't care who uses their bathroom."

"The gays don't want equal rights, they want special rights."

"Why do we have to go out of our way for people who don't adhere to society's guidelines?"

These people are not living in caves. They are here, in Massachusetts and I assume they're near you too... assuming that perhaps you aren't in this state. And we're the nation's gay rights leader! We are the P Flag flying, rainbow embracing state that allows gay marriage.

I have 4 three-word sentences:




And then I thought....


The host of this show was saying that if "she tried to look like a female this wouldn't have happened." He went on to say that because she presents herself in a certain way, then she is being treated exactly as she deserves.Look, this woman wasn't applying for a Hooters job, she wasn't trying to draw attention to herself, she wasn't acting inappropriately. She was in a stall with the door closed and in comes All Brawn No Brain banging on the door to the stall.

I guess what the Host Man is saying is that little ladies need to wear skirts and pearl earrings so neanderthals can easily determine if he wants to boff her?? That if she isn't willing to wear tight or low cut clothing she is somehow less of a human/woman and therefore shouldn't be allowed to use the restroom? She doesn't meet HIS standard of "female" so she should use the men's room??? The last I checked, all you needed to be a chick is a vagina.

You know, I live in a cocoon. I thought this species of moron had died out but apparently there are few that haven't croaked yet. Working where I do, having friends that I have and then doing theatre sort of keeps me in a place where its easy to forget that this type of ridiculous still exists. I wouldn't mind so much, but these people vote.

Thanks for letting me vent. I feel better now.


Random notes:

That commercial where the guy can't find China on a map so he falls into it and rips it off the wall makes me laugh every damn time I see it. So me. YOu have no idea.

Tomorrow: I'm going on a leadership retreat for work. Which is cool. Here's the funny part: its about an hour away in the Berkshires... and they have ME leading the caravan!!! My daughter Danielle puts it best, "Mom, every time you get more than a half hour away you start turning around and getting lost all the time."

Yeah, this is going to be good.

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