A tiny little glimmer of hope. Peaking out at the world, daring to make itself known. Facing the worst and knowing that it may in fact be your worst reality for so long, a glimmer of hope can be the thing that scares you most. Fearing that your hopes will once again be dashed, that the light far off in the distance is nothing more than what might have been.
There is a chance, a tiny little chance that Sylvie will survive. There lies within the realm of possibility that a simple cure exists for her.
And in that place of hope lies the greatest fear of them all:
What if it doesn't work?
I am thinking tonight, in that place in our hearts where prayers live, What if it does?
There is a chance, a tiny little chance that Sylvie will survive. There lies within the realm of possibility that a simple cure exists for her.
And in that place of hope lies the greatest fear of them all:
What if it doesn't work?
I am thinking tonight, in that place in our hearts where prayers live, What if it does?
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