What a day.

JP isn't doing well. He is now not only screaming and throwing temper tantrums all day, he is biting himself to the point where he bleeds, he pulls out his hair, he throws himself across the room or onto furniture, he bangs his head on the floor. He screams so loudly his teachers have to take the other kids across the hall to their second classroom. JP stays behind until he calms down. He has tantrums every few minutes and they last anywhere from 2 to 30 minutes.

My son cries, screams, pulls at himself and bites his fingers until he draws blood every single day of his life. Every. Day. While I'm work and his teachers write down what set him off, how long it lasts and what they try to do to calm him. He has a 3-ring binder, organized by date, to track his meltdowns.

This is the same boy whose blue-green eyes melt your heart and make you believe that angels probably have something to do with creation. This boy whose laugh is as big as the room he is in. My boy hurts himself because he can't tell anyone why he is mad or sad or frustrated. All he knows to do is to create a physical pain to express his need for....?

I spoke to his pediatrician today and she diagnosed him. He is autistic and there isn't anyway to deny it or believe its just a phase. There is SOMETHING wrong that I can't fix with hugs and kisses. I can't put a band aid on this and tell him that mommy can make it go away.

I don't want the world to know him as Jenn's son, the autistic twin. I want the world to say JP. To SEE what I see when I look at him. To know that he is sweet and loving and gentle. I don't want this label to predict his future or allow teachers to teach Autistic James. I want them to teach all of him, not just the tiny percentage that is a diagnosis. I know he is leaps and bounds better off than most kids with this. I know he might outgrow it. But until that happens everytime he gets upset and loses control it will remind me that he's not like the other kids. And he may never be.

I will do anything and everything to create a better world for him. I'll read and study and ask questions. I will be his advocate. Because I need to. I need to DO something and stay one step ahead.

Because he's my son. My silly boy. My JP.


  1. FIRST I LOVE YOU ALL, I don't know anything your going through except one thing i do know what its like not being able to put a band aide or a hug to make your child betterfor the child you'd do anything for and it kills you!! I'LL HELP IN ANY WAY GUYS and once again we have a big bump in the road but it will not stop you and your family kate


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