Seth's car

I believe this qualifies for bragging rights. Seth drew this car the other day and he told me the story that goes along with it. Apparently this red car was driving and it BUMPED into a Big Rock and then it was all mucky.

Please note, there was a beginning, a middle and an end to his story.

And the end to my story goes something like:

Ignore the fact that this was written on Danielle's wall, with a hijacked red marker.

The End


  1. this is AMAZING!!! I cannot believe how well he can draw... okay well I can... b/c I see it and I believed you when you posted about it before, but this is sooo COOL! Damn he is good!! Maybe he will draw like his Daddy! :) And, since it is on the wall now you can save it for a LONG long time w/o misplacing it. :D gotta love kids!
    Hugs, Jenn


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