Its all about love.

I slept for about 90 minutes last night. And in those 90 minutes Patrick and I talked about his mom. He told me over and over to make sure she knows that he is waiting for her to be okay. That he is with her, that he can be with all of us right now. I asked him if he was lying, if he was really okay and was finding peace. And you know what he said to me?

Jenn, where I am there is only peace. Its all about love Aunty Jenn. You love her there and I'll do it from here. Don't forget that: its all about love. Its about family. Nothing else matters. Its all about love.

And then he was gone.

He had green wings and a Celtics jersey. A basketball under his arm and there were all these figures around him. I heard laughter. He smiled at me that goofy grin and he reached out to touch me but that's when he faded.

No BS. I don't think it is either. Last night driving home from my folks' house, I kept feeling this heat literally pass through me. I would be cold, then the heat wave, then cold. Over and over. I said, Pat if that's you go with your mom. Be with your mom tonight. I feel you.

Sweet Home Alabama came on the radio and the car was cold again. So I turned on the heat.


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