Thinking Deep Thoughts
Do I change the blog to a website? Do I have a big website with a blog? I hate that the address to this blog has the ".blogspot" in it. I want my own domain and have actually already purchased web space. Its a lot of time and slow moving to build a big site... but I think I might have a few good ideas for a fun one.
I think this needs to be a summer project. Hmmm..... Things to ponder.
Other deep thoughts include:
1. Developing a curriculum for a series of computer classes I would like to teach
2. Knitting more stuff
3. Taking a knitting class at Web's
4. Finding employment for the month of July
5. Selling my sister's car or donating it to charity
6. Going on some sort of diet thing and perhaps begin to move around a little
I think I have a good shot at doing: 2, 5 and maybe 3. What I NEED is #4 though.
Anyone wanna buy a 1992 Saturn? Parts or repair only!

I think this needs to be a summer project. Hmmm..... Things to ponder.
Other deep thoughts include:
1. Developing a curriculum for a series of computer classes I would like to teach
2. Knitting more stuff
3. Taking a knitting class at Web's
4. Finding employment for the month of July
5. Selling my sister's car or donating it to charity
6. Going on some sort of diet thing and perhaps begin to move around a little
I think I have a good shot at doing: 2, 5 and maybe 3. What I NEED is #4 though.
Anyone wanna buy a 1992 Saturn? Parts or repair only!
hey you did # 5 in a few mins so hope the rest will go as good hahah thanks again Kate