
My hands and right arm have been really, really hurting lately. I can knit for about 15 minutes before it gets to a point where the pain is unbearable. I found these needles. They are square knitting needles and according to everything I've ready they are wonderfulness defined.
Folks are saying that their stitches are better, more consistent, even and right on gauge. Amazing! What is even better is that they are saying their hands don't get tired as fast and knitters with arthritis are able to knit again or for longer periods of time.
Webs has these in stock. I'm going to pick up a pair tomorrow to try out. I think I'm going to buy a set of DPN's to make it worth my while. At least I know of about 12 projects that ask for size 2's so I'll get my money's worth.
Update - Webs does NOT have all of these in stock. In fact, they are severely backordered on their size 2 dpns. Everyone is as these knitting needles are apparently filled with crack or something. Bought mine via Ebay.. should be here Monday! Still can't knit. Can barely use a mouse or type either. Fun!
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