Wicked Sweater... done!
Finished Autumn's sweater Saturday. You see that little pocket? I could NOT sew that thing on straight. Now the bottom gets knitted directly into a row, so there is no concern about placement. The top is just stitched on... easy right? Apparently I am totally unable to sew or weave a guideline in a straight line. Aaron bailed me out and did it for me. And he did it so perfectly that he even agreed to do all my seaming for me! Win!
It came out pretty good I have to say. It fit her perfectly. The pattern was so easy. Its just knit top down on circulars. The neckline and sleeves are in this very easy but very cool crossover pattern. You can make it long sleeved, short, elbow lenght, whatever. The pocket is also a choice, you can easily skip it. We loved it, so we kept it. What's really great is that you can try this thing on as you knit. I was able to really knit it fitted to just Autumn. Perfect newbie project!! Seriously easy stuff. The directions were written so well.
The pattern is Wicked by Rachel Bishop. The yarn is just Lion Brand's Wool-Ease in gray. I used size 7 Addi Turbo circulars for the body, 7 straights for the pocket and a set of size 7 dpns for the sleeves.
I am busy right now on a project for the Knitting Olympics. I can't post about it because its a gift. All I can say is that its cashmere and silk and black. Black. I knew black was sort of a pain to work with because you can't see the stitches well. What I hadn't counted on was it picking up every dog and cat hair. I have the yarn in a project bag and as I work I have to keep what I've knitted in a ziploc bag. I look like a crazy person. I'm constantly picking up stray hairs that magically find their way onto my WIP (work in progress). Ah well. The yarn is gorgeous otherwise. Scores an 8 on the "pet-ability" scale. It has just a touch of merino wool for warmth, the silk adds luster to the black and the cashmere... well... its fricking cashmere! LOL!
Off to knit. The elbow is acting up , but you gotta take one for the team right? I mean, knitting injuries happen. I gotta keep going, gold medal is in the sights.
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