Lost Finale
The very best of television was on last night. An ending that satisfied and answered just enough and left so much open for interpretation. The big question is: So, when did they die? Which is odd because it was answered by Jack's father. They all died at various moments and the afterlife has no "Now." My take...
Everything that happened before they returned to the island happened. I think we aren't supposed to know when each of them died and in fact, many of them could have lived long and happy lives.
What matters is that they were together in the end. All of them. And that is what we hope for isn't it? That in the end, we gather in a place and we get to be with everyone who meant something to us. That all the bologna and the selfishness and the business of living is done and we get to just be who we are. We're all just a bunch of imperfect assholes trying to get by every day, sometimes we make sense of it and sometimes we don't. Sometimes we get it right and most times we royally screw it up.
Gee, that was glum wasn't it? Sorry, a reflection of my current mood I suppose.
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