Might be Crazy Enough to Work!
Honestly, I thought it wasn't going to be this easy or fast. I figured it would take me at least three or four months to see a change, but alas, as of this writing I am virtually pain free and have been for about a week. Vertigo is gone. No muscle pain, no joint pain. Hip pain (which was the worst of them) was the first to go. I can knit for over two hours at a time (I did this over the weekend!!!). Also, no bloated and gross feelings. I've lost a few pounds without dieting. My pants fit better. I'm not tired. I have energy.
I hesitated even putting this into writing for fear that it would all come raging back. The thing is, I'm so completely stunned by it I'm afraid to even say it out loud. Three weeks after having the Mirena IUD removed, I feel like I've been re-born. I can't believe how bad I was feeling or how out of it I really was. The forgetfullness, the lack of concentration, the sluggish and hunched way I was moving are all fricking GONE.
What a waste. What a stupid, horrible waste of time. Three rheumatologists, testing for Lupus, MS, RA, numerous visits to my primary care doc, work days missed, play times skipped, walks not taken, house not cleaned... all for naught. The thought of me losing my mind or wondering what the hell was wrong with me. Watching my knees balloon up and turn a lovely red was from a stupid form of birth control.
Women need to know about this. Specialists need to educated their patients about these side effects. I consider myself a pretty informed person and I research things to the point of ridiculousness and I had no clue. Not one. This is crazy.
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