iPhone Sell Out

I was an iPhone hater.  I was.  Or I thought I was. Turns out, I was actually a fanboy hater.  Steve Jobs pisses me off.  His stupid black turtleneck and smug attitude are the most annoying things about anything Mac related.  I wanted to never own one, to commit myself to the alternative under-dog...Android.  Or even stick with the old school Blackberry.  Turns out, the Blackberry I bought sucks.  I got rid of the data plan a few months ago because the browser on it was piss poor.  It continuously freezes up, it shuts off all by itself and every and now then I get White Screen.  Just a big, blank white screen.
So I started looking at phones. Specificall the iPhone.  (Because I'm nothing if not a total sell-out.)
Turns out, there's this.
Oh yeah, and there's this.
My iPhone shipped out yesterday, should be here tomorrow.
Did you see that Stitch Counter?!
Total sell-out.


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