
So, I got into a wee debate with Aaron a week or two ago concerning BluRay and whether old movies look better/different when re-released onto BluRay. He said "Nay - they weren't shot in HD so it matters not." Okay, so it wasn't so Old English-y but you get the idea.

I held out.

And I'm glad I did, because it turns out, we're both right.

You see, most old flicks (think Wizard of Oz) were shot on 35mm film. This film if converted properly actually looks pretty fantastic on BluRay. In fact, some digitally shot movies are at a disadvantage when it comes to being transferred to BlueRay compared to some pretty old flicks shot in good ole 35mm. 

I found this site that has great screen shots that compare several formats of film. Turns out, the BluRay is just soooo pretty.

But I knew that already.

We bought a Playstation 3 a few months back and I gotta tell you, the BluRay flicks I've seen have been just stunning.  We watched Inception and it was even more awesome than in the theater.  Then my folks stopped over with Bambi  and the restoration and conversion Disney did for its BluRay release are just gorgeous. 


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