Random Thoughts

If you ever wondered what the term "too many balls in the air" meant, I think this post may well shed some light on it.

This week has been a month jammed into five days.  And most of it was shitty too.  Not a happy "I'm throwing a party and am super busy!" type of jamming, but a "What the frick else can happen?" type of non-stop shit. 

Last night Seth, who is sick, stood in my kitchen with his hands on his hips and declared in the perfect tone of a 40 year old, "I'm getting really pissed off!"  And he was, too.  He was totally pissed off.  It was over something silly but the lad had a damn fine point.  Mothers should get Oscars for their stifling abilities.  Somehow I didn't crack a smile when I said, "Wow Seth.  I think that word isn't for kids and you can do better than that.  How about trying again?"  To which he replied, "Well, angry isn't good enough!"  How do you argue with this?  You can't.  So I said, "How about 'super angry' then?"

He stomped away muttering something like, "So stupid! That's so stupid I can't even believe it."

Things are going on.

JP is full time in the ABA class at his school.  There are two other students in it and I cannot tell you the huge difference in my child since he started this.  Its nothing short of amazing.  He is still significantly behind, but my son is writing and participating in a way he never has before.  Its just fantastic.

And do you know what else this incredible school is doing?  Recreating the ABA class in another area for Seth.  Yes, he is going to be pulled out of his class and focused on totally by a para and the special ed staff to get him in a place where he can be successfully returned to his first grade classroom. 

Its unbelievable and the word "blessing" seems too small.  This school is an example of what public school can be and should be everywhere.  I'll use the word again because its really the only one that works: amazing. 

Work is rocking and rolling this week.  Tons of shit done and tons more to do.  All good.  I love my job.

There is other stuff going on with my family healthwise but apparently if I mention it online people get nuts.  So there is that but I'll leave it there (in the interest of world peace).

Wedding planning sucks.  Especially when you have a budget our size.  Eloping is still an option isn't it?

I knit some stuff.  I made this super adorable hat called Slouchy's (No Slouch).  I"ll post a pic as soon as I get the right size bead for the tail.

I am also working ever so slowly on a silk scarf for my mom.  Its called Bluebird. I am knitting it in Blue Moon Fiber Arts Silk Thread II.  They say its one step up from cobwebs, I agree.  Its 100% hand-painted silk and if it weren't for my Addi Lace Turbo needles I'd be bald from tearing my hair out.   If I were making this for anyone else, I wouldn't.

I read the entire Hunger Games series in around ten days.  Its that good.

So, that was mostly my last week or so.  Also see: four doctors appointments for me, two for kids, lots of testing and bloodwork for me.  Also weight loss.  I am down 15 pounds or so from the summer.  Pretty cool!

And for your moment of pretty, check out these wedding goblets Autumn made for Aaron and me:



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