Crazy is as crazy does
I am blogging this only because I still can't believe this just happened.
This morning Danielle and I were heading out together and decided on some coffee. We rolled into the Dunkin' Donuts parking lot and decided upon which caffeine-fueled concoction would hit the spot. Danielle needed something, she unbuckled and reached into the seat behind her. We rolled up to the speaker, ordered our drinks and rolled around the corner to wait for our turn at the delivery window. Danielle was about to turn and put her bag back when the woman in front of us leaned out of her car and began yelling.
I had no idea who this person was or who she was screaming at. She was so angry that I thought for sure she was yelling at someone she knew.
Nope. She was screaming at me.
I gave her the universal hand wave of "Yeah, got it!" Danielle re-buckled and recognized this woman instantly.
"Oh God, mom! That's Dr. XXXX! She's crazy!"
Please note, that she is STILL yelling. She is now asking me, "Is that a CHILD?" I don't remember what I said, I think it was something like, "Not really." I was floored.
Dr. XXX is now getting even more upset. She is still ranting while everyone is waiting for her to move her SUV. She got her coffee but has now decided to get out of her vehicle and approach mine. At this point, I started to get really anxious and more than a little pissed off.
She is ranting about being a mandatory reporter and that I was a terrible mother and that I was endangering hte life of an innocent child among other things. To which I replied, "Please get back in your car. I will call the police if you get any closer."
Nope, she is still going at it. Now I'm getting mad. I hate getting made before 8am. Who has time for this?!
"Lady!! Get in your car and move! I have a job to get to, you are obviously crazy. Please just go away."
Not my best moment, but I was really offended and pissed off at this person. And I wanted my damn coffee.
She finally got back in her car and tore out of there really fast (how safe) while flipping me off. I shouted out my window, "Have a nice day!" and flipped her the peace sign.
We rolled up to the DD window and the staff are all sort of weirded out. They asked what happened, I told them. Their universal reply?
"Oh my God, she is so mean!!!"
"She comes here all the time and just yells at everyone."
"She is totally crazy."
Right, so if anyone in town is near or behind Dr. XXX and her blue Toyota LandCruiser... DO NOT UNBUCKLE FOR ANY REASON. ESPECIALLY NOT WHILE PARKED OR IN A DRIVE THROUGH!!!
You have been warned. And yes, this person is a practicing internal medicine doctor. In fact, she was MY doctor years ago! And just to add a small town flavor, my daughter dated her son. She knew Danielle and has met her many times over the past school year. She looked right at Danielle and there was zero recognition there.
Great way to start a day!
This morning Danielle and I were heading out together and decided on some coffee. We rolled into the Dunkin' Donuts parking lot and decided upon which caffeine-fueled concoction would hit the spot. Danielle needed something, she unbuckled and reached into the seat behind her. We rolled up to the speaker, ordered our drinks and rolled around the corner to wait for our turn at the delivery window. Danielle was about to turn and put her bag back when the woman in front of us leaned out of her car and began yelling.
I had no idea who this person was or who she was screaming at. She was so angry that I thought for sure she was yelling at someone she knew.
Nope. She was screaming at me.
I gave her the universal hand wave of "Yeah, got it!" Danielle re-buckled and recognized this woman instantly.
"Oh God, mom! That's Dr. XXXX! She's crazy!"
Please note, that she is STILL yelling. She is now asking me, "Is that a CHILD?" I don't remember what I said, I think it was something like, "Not really." I was floored.
Dr. XXX is now getting even more upset. She is still ranting while everyone is waiting for her to move her SUV. She got her coffee but has now decided to get out of her vehicle and approach mine. At this point, I started to get really anxious and more than a little pissed off.
She is ranting about being a mandatory reporter and that I was a terrible mother and that I was endangering hte life of an innocent child among other things. To which I replied, "Please get back in your car. I will call the police if you get any closer."
Nope, she is still going at it. Now I'm getting mad. I hate getting made before 8am. Who has time for this?!
"Lady!! Get in your car and move! I have a job to get to, you are obviously crazy. Please just go away."
Not my best moment, but I was really offended and pissed off at this person. And I wanted my damn coffee.
She finally got back in her car and tore out of there really fast (how safe) while flipping me off. I shouted out my window, "Have a nice day!" and flipped her the peace sign.
We rolled up to the DD window and the staff are all sort of weirded out. They asked what happened, I told them. Their universal reply?
"Oh my God, she is so mean!!!"
"She comes here all the time and just yells at everyone."
"She is totally crazy."
Right, so if anyone in town is near or behind Dr. XXX and her blue Toyota LandCruiser... DO NOT UNBUCKLE FOR ANY REASON. ESPECIALLY NOT WHILE PARKED OR IN A DRIVE THROUGH!!!
You have been warned. And yes, this person is a practicing internal medicine doctor. In fact, she was MY doctor years ago! And just to add a small town flavor, my daughter dated her son. She knew Danielle and has met her many times over the past school year. She looked right at Danielle and there was zero recognition there.
Great way to start a day!
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