Motivate Me Dammit!

There is a saying I keep running into:

DL > DF > DS


Dead Last is better than Didn't Finish is better than Didn't Start

Frigging great, right?  In fact, Dead Last is going to be my goal in every race I ever run in.  I have no desire to win, I just want to finish.  You can't finish if you don't start. So, I figure if I race against myself I can't lose. I am a terrible runner, I don't know that I'll ever be more than terrible.  I'm okay with that.   

I figure if this amazing 91 year old woman recovering from cancer can finish a marathon, I can finish a 10K one day.  Let's also note that "90 and over" is a division that exists in the running world.  

To this end, I thought I would post some places of motivation and encouragement.  Some on the web, a couple of books and even one of the best Facebook Groups I've ever seen:

* Single Dad Laughing Health Club  - Facebook group; 100% positive, uplifting, fun and encouraging group of people from every level fitness you could imagine.  Fantastic stuff.

* "Born To Run - A Hidden Tribe, Superathletes, and the Greatest Race the World Has Never Seen" - by Christopher McDougall - This is the book that spawned an entirely new generation of runners, questions the advent and need for high-tech running shoes, and is just an all around fascinating book.  I listened to this on audiobook and by the end of the third chapter, I started the C25K Program.

* Loseit Subreddit - This is a subreddit that is focused on simple weight loss, calorie counting, lots of progress and before and after pics.  

* Ben Greenfield Fitness - I listen to this podcast religiously.  Super informative, technical information about nutrition, exercise physiology, etc.  He is a supportive of the paleo diet if this interests you.

* "Eat and Run: My Unlikely Journey to Ultramarathon Greatness" by Scott Jurek - After I read "Bornn to Run" I was fascinated by this runner.  Lo and behold, he has written a book referred to as the "runner's bible."  (This one has more science and less stoning of women though.)  I have just started this so I can't say much on it, but so far its one terrific read even if you aren't a runner or care about running at all. 

Tomorrow, I'll be starting my "Ugly Pictures of Beautiful Food" feature!  Look, I eat great.  I just don't have time to make it pretty!


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