❤️ My Wild Irish Hair

 I will love this hair. I will love how big and giant it is. How almost curly/straight it can get. 

I love how oily dry it can be when the moon is full or
on every second Tuesday.

I will love this hair and it's nearly (not even close) hidden grays. I will  love how the highlights almost fade away the wisdom wisps in their secretly graying glory. 

I will love this hair. No matter how wide it's reach, no matter how close it's cropped or barely even there. 
I will love this hair that seems to reinvent itself by the hour. 

I will love it for its 70s Dorothy Hamil pixie, its 80s perms and 90s angst. 

I will love this hair's history for The My Chemical Romance bangs falling over my left eye and for that classic Stevie Nicks's feather. 

I will love this hair for its cowlicks, bad cuts, old school perms, French braids and ballerina buns.

There, beneath all the love, my hair will be what it will be. 

It is not a malleable mistress begging for  acceptance. 







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