The Road Trip

I got this idea in my head after Danielle turned about 4 or 5 that I wanted to take my daughters on a road trip. Just the three of us. I wanted to drive to Chicago, pick up Route 66 and drive to California. I thought that going on the road for a month together after Autumn graduated from high school was the perfect timing. Since then, we occasionally say... "Oh, when we go on our road trip we need to....". Its become a sort of future/memory.

I wanted to take a month with my daughters before their lives become completely their own. Before I have to really start letting go, I want 30 days to hang onto. A trip that we will look back on for the rest of our lives. Autumn will be 18 and Danielle just about 16. Me? Oh, I'll still be 25!

So far, the only "for sure" things on the agenda are:

1. Rent a convertible one way, fly home

2. Thelma and Louise head scarves and sun glasses

3. GPS (recently added)

And that's about it. I googled "Route 66 road trip" and found this awesome site. Pretty cool right? So, Autumn is off to her Freshman year in high school in the fall. That leaves us with 4 years to save and plan.


  1. this sounds awesome!! what a great gift to give your girls and yourself!! I might just have to steal this idea from you when my girls get older.
    makes me a little sad thinking of having to let go one day... although it seems like that day is far away... since they are only 2 1/2 i'm sure time continue to ever increase in speed. these last 4 1/2 years of being a parent has shown me just how fast time can go.
    great plan!! :)
    hugs, jenn

  2. i absolutely LOVE this idea and if you don't mind, I'm going to pilfer it [or something relative] for me and my boys. What a great thing to look forward to!!

  3. Kelly... totally make them do the Thelma and Louise headscarves though! LOL!

    Jenn... It goes in a blink of the eye. One moment they're in dress up shoes and tutu's and the next its pink hair and lip rings and My Chemical Romance. And comments like, "god mom, I.D. K. OKAY??"

  4. Your road trip is so much more glamorous than the one I have planned. LOL. My plan is when B&S are around 10-12 years old is for us to rent and RV and spend three months homeschooling as we travel around the US.

  5. ok my road trip was me and patrick going to his best friends wedding driving to OK then AL to see his dad and family then to my brothers in FLD he was 20? best time ever spent with my adult son so if you don't get there at the "right age" theres always a time to do it the zoo with him and his dad was GREAT TIME the wedding with great friends was THE BEST TIME EVER ladies it can happen and i say go for it, even if you might have to wait do it you will never forget it


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