I have been meaning to post literally every day for the past week. I am sooo busy! ugh. The new job rocks... totally love it. I really didn't think adding 8 hours a week to my schedule would suck the life out of me quite so much though. By the time I go and pick up the boys, feed them, do the bedtime/bath routine, clean the house, laundry and all that jazz... it's about 9:30 when I get to actually sit my ass down. And trust me, the ass needs its sit down time!
The shrinking ass.
The tired ass.
The ass that misses Aaron a whole bunch. Hey... that didn't sound right.
So, the poor guy totally couldn't find the Elks in Holyoke on Saturday. Did I mention Saturday on here? Here's the deal... the Marine Corps Birthday Ball was last Saturday. It's a real formal ball (dress blues, gowns for the ladies.. you get it). I went last year and there were over 200 people, a real nice ceremony the whole dog and pony show. I was 5 months pregnant with the boys, so it was an early night for us. This year, most of the guys are in Iraq, so they did a scaled back version. I didn't go. Which actually worked out because my cousin Tommy and his wife Liz had their Jack & Jill/reception/party that night. I really, really wanted to go. And I really wanted Aaron to go. So he was to leave the Ball as soon as he could and then meet me. Thing is, we ditched the cells a while ago and he got lost, couldn't call for directions... he went home. Got all that? ;0)
I got drunk. I even kick-lined with my gorgeous cousin Pam (a dancer too).
I drunk kick-lined.
With my 20 year old cousin.
Who still dances.
My chubby ass tried to dance like a damn fool... thanks for the open bar guys!! It worked! hahahaaa! Dear Lord, why do I do the stupid things I do? I KNOW I can't drink vodka very well. I'm Irish for crying out loud! I'm stupid. Oh well... no regrets. I had an awesome time and isn't that what it's all about?
So back to the ass missing Aaron episode: We don't see other. That's how you miss people... you dont' see them. Simple. And it sucks. I work till 4, he goes to work at 2:30. Last night he worked until 3AM and then had to get up with the boys at 7am when I left. Now, he isn't sitting at a desk all day. He loads frickin 18 wheelers with milk and ice cream. He works inside a giant freezer. Talk about ass-kicking work. The physical exhaustion is incredible. I would give anything to stay home tomorrow so he could sleep. BUT - new job. I can't call out. Bleck.
So, that 's the story and I'm sticking to it.
Oh... one more thing. I lost almost 7 pounds this week. Funny how I wrote about the 7%ers and lost 7 pounds. First week of dieting rules! All that water washed away and now I can get on to the good stuff.
Check back when I'm feeling a bit more sappy for a Thanksgiving post. I'm just not feeling it tonight.
The shrinking ass.
The tired ass.
The ass that misses Aaron a whole bunch. Hey... that didn't sound right.
So, the poor guy totally couldn't find the Elks in Holyoke on Saturday. Did I mention Saturday on here? Here's the deal... the Marine Corps Birthday Ball was last Saturday. It's a real formal ball (dress blues, gowns for the ladies.. you get it). I went last year and there were over 200 people, a real nice ceremony the whole dog and pony show. I was 5 months pregnant with the boys, so it was an early night for us. This year, most of the guys are in Iraq, so they did a scaled back version. I didn't go. Which actually worked out because my cousin Tommy and his wife Liz had their Jack & Jill/reception/party that night. I really, really wanted to go. And I really wanted Aaron to go. So he was to leave the Ball as soon as he could and then meet me. Thing is, we ditched the cells a while ago and he got lost, couldn't call for directions... he went home. Got all that? ;0)
I got drunk. I even kick-lined with my gorgeous cousin Pam (a dancer too).
I drunk kick-lined.
With my 20 year old cousin.
Who still dances.
My chubby ass tried to dance like a damn fool... thanks for the open bar guys!! It worked! hahahaaa! Dear Lord, why do I do the stupid things I do? I KNOW I can't drink vodka very well. I'm Irish for crying out loud! I'm stupid. Oh well... no regrets. I had an awesome time and isn't that what it's all about?
So back to the ass missing Aaron episode: We don't see other. That's how you miss people... you dont' see them. Simple. And it sucks. I work till 4, he goes to work at 2:30. Last night he worked until 3AM and then had to get up with the boys at 7am when I left. Now, he isn't sitting at a desk all day. He loads frickin 18 wheelers with milk and ice cream. He works inside a giant freezer. Talk about ass-kicking work. The physical exhaustion is incredible. I would give anything to stay home tomorrow so he could sleep. BUT - new job. I can't call out. Bleck.
So, that 's the story and I'm sticking to it.
Oh... one more thing. I lost almost 7 pounds this week. Funny how I wrote about the 7%ers and lost 7 pounds. First week of dieting rules! All that water washed away and now I can get on to the good stuff.
Check back when I'm feeling a bit more sappy for a Thanksgiving post. I'm just not feeling it tonight.
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