Signs, signs, everywhere signs...
... blocking up the scenery.... you know that old song?
Churches. And Signs. Some are funny, some are touching, some make you think and well... others... make me sick.
Growing up, the first church sign I noticed was for a Baptist Church across the street from a strip bar called Anthony's. Due to the close proximity, locals dubbed the bar St. Anthony's. The signs were pretty well-intentioned with an optimistic sway. Things like, "When life knocks you to your knees... pray there." Cuter ones included, "Don't make me come down there." God.
Lately though, every church on every corner is competing for the most eye-catching, pew filling, basket over-floweth synapse of what Jesus has to say to us as we drive our kids to school or hurry off to work. And some are good. I particulary liked the latest , "Sign guy on vacation... message inside" ones. It was a little invite to passerby to come in and actually hear what was being said.
But... this one. This one killed me. I literally almost pulled over and walked inside and slapped the person responsible for this.
No, you read it right. A beer slogan used to bring Jesus Christ, savior of mankind right into your life. Thinking of beer though aren't you? Or maybe Lestat? Do you hate this as much as I do? I can't believe this!
Look... I'm not super-religious woman or anything. I don't go to church anymore (much to my parents' chagrin). I don't care for organized religion.. I just don't trust it. But I consider myself pretty well educated when it comes to the Bible, scripture, and Christianity. Spiritual for lack of a better descriptor. And I gotta say... HIS BLOODS FOR YOU is just about the worst thing I've read on those stupid signs.
Until I went to the site I linked to. Click on the title and enjoy!
So, I ask you... do churches need billboards? Does a 10 second guilt trip really put warm bodies in church on Sunday? Other than the little, "hmph" they get out of me occasionally, what do they gain?
I question religion. I question the gold filled city in Italy. I question the priceless paintings filling the Sistine Chapel while homeless thousands starve on the steps where Cardinals and Bishops walk. I question the history of outright genocide, the extermination of cultures in the name of God. I question the modern day Bible as the only inspired word of God. I question that there is only one path.
Narrow is the gate... but the existence of many paths leading to it I feel certain of. Yes, I believe in God. I believe that Jesus died for our sins. I believe God is everything and surrounds us. I see Him in the night sky, the sunrise, the glitter of morning frost. I see Him when I snuggle my babies to sleep at night, I feel Him when my daughters are making my laugh. I know He is with me when I am troubled, when I'm happy. I know one day I'll understand all those things that I cannot fathom today.
And somehow, I think He's with me on this sign thing.
Churches. And Signs. Some are funny, some are touching, some make you think and well... others... make me sick.
Growing up, the first church sign I noticed was for a Baptist Church across the street from a strip bar called Anthony's. Due to the close proximity, locals dubbed the bar St. Anthony's. The signs were pretty well-intentioned with an optimistic sway. Things like, "When life knocks you to your knees... pray there." Cuter ones included, "Don't make me come down there." God.
Lately though, every church on every corner is competing for the most eye-catching, pew filling, basket over-floweth synapse of what Jesus has to say to us as we drive our kids to school or hurry off to work. And some are good. I particulary liked the latest , "Sign guy on vacation... message inside" ones. It was a little invite to passerby to come in and actually hear what was being said.
But... this one. This one killed me. I literally almost pulled over and walked inside and slapped the person responsible for this.
No, you read it right. A beer slogan used to bring Jesus Christ, savior of mankind right into your life. Thinking of beer though aren't you? Or maybe Lestat? Do you hate this as much as I do? I can't believe this!
Look... I'm not super-religious woman or anything. I don't go to church anymore (much to my parents' chagrin). I don't care for organized religion.. I just don't trust it. But I consider myself pretty well educated when it comes to the Bible, scripture, and Christianity. Spiritual for lack of a better descriptor. And I gotta say... HIS BLOODS FOR YOU is just about the worst thing I've read on those stupid signs.
Until I went to the site I linked to. Click on the title and enjoy!
So, I ask you... do churches need billboards? Does a 10 second guilt trip really put warm bodies in church on Sunday? Other than the little, "hmph" they get out of me occasionally, what do they gain?
I question religion. I question the gold filled city in Italy. I question the priceless paintings filling the Sistine Chapel while homeless thousands starve on the steps where Cardinals and Bishops walk. I question the history of outright genocide, the extermination of cultures in the name of God. I question the modern day Bible as the only inspired word of God. I question that there is only one path.
Narrow is the gate... but the existence of many paths leading to it I feel certain of. Yes, I believe in God. I believe that Jesus died for our sins. I believe God is everything and surrounds us. I see Him in the night sky, the sunrise, the glitter of morning frost. I see Him when I snuggle my babies to sleep at night, I feel Him when my daughters are making my laugh. I know He is with me when I am troubled, when I'm happy. I know one day I'll understand all those things that I cannot fathom today.
And somehow, I think He's with me on this sign thing.
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