Most Horrible Piece of Crap. Ever.

This is possibly the worse tv show. ever.

Its a stupid cop show.. nc something. the one with that jerk from the cop show that jimmy smitts was on. after ricky schroder.

There is this blond cop with a dress on and all you can see is cleavage. Its pretty hysterical.

Where the hell is the damn remote? Oh, no wait, another blond with cleavage. Looks familiar too. What the hell show is she from? Used to be a brunette.

I want an office like hers. She has no less than 4 plasma type computer screens. She has so many that like 3 of them aren't even facing her.

Now she's on the beach. Someone is under a rowboat, gagged and tied. Already questioning her and she's answering them like she was just in the express line and the idiot in front had 20 items instead of the allotted 12.

Who is this bitch??? Damn it.

Oh wait, smoldering looks from redheaded jerk Caruso.

Pasty dude or what? He's whispering.

Hey! This girl who was under the boat... looks like Tracy Gold, but sounds like Anna Nicole.

More whispering.."we discovered the hacksaw in your car." oooohhhh.... he's badass! He gets answers by WHISPERING!

the Cop Whisperer. Nice!

Is she from a soap opera? GH maybe?

Blue shirt, slightly askew... this Caruso ain't playin' sucka.

Still whispering and interrogating. She's gonna crack for sure! My God, only dogs can hear this.

Commercial break.

Big confrontation between foreign looking father and son.
guns pulled. rich house, drug dealers for sure.

caruso whispering behind, gun pulled.

shoots dad. caruso in gun fight. whispering like a mutha.

dad dying. questioning his life and his son's life.

death promises being made. caruso, in hushed tones, promises to "end this."

does he have throat cancer in real life or something? the man hasn't spoken yet. its like there's a baby sleeping somewhere.

Familiar chick just found a piece of glass. It's really killing me that I can't figure this out.

Cleavage blonde is ont he scene. More boobs showing now. If that's possible. I find it extremely funny that every scene she's in has her bending over, you know, to find "clues".

Okay, I"m done. They just did a split screen. That was Rosie's final straw and dammit its mine too. Screw this NCIS show.

And The Black Donnelly's was cancelled?! What a world.

I gotta go watch The Wire. Where cops leave the whispering to the Youngun's and the beatin' to the soldiers. Hard drinking, tough cops with only one computer screen per office. And lesbian cops.

Now THAT's a damn cop show. Give me a McNulty twist with a side order of Bunk.


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