Old Job and Alarm Clocks

Working at Old Job this week. In my exact Old Job Position. I work with great people and it was so nice to sit at my OJ desk and laugh. I don't laugh at New Job. And I miss that.

What I don't miss is talking a wife out of making hundreds of phone calls on behalf of her alcoholic husband. I don't miss the "It's his sickness, this is part of his recovery." spiel. Yeah, I also don't miss talking to 18 year old girls who are addicts and pregnant. I also don't miss being sworn at, cussed out and called every name in the book.

Addicts who want help, want it immediately. It is part of their lifestyle this immediate gratification. And they think the whole world needs to stop and be at the ready because today, after 10-15-20 years of drinking/using, today THEY WANT HELP.

Doesn't work that way. We had 3 beds open and 150 people wanted them.

There just aren't enough detoxes around. There never will be. There's no money in running them. Nice hah? If addiction only affected the rich, there would be detoxes and rehabs on every corner. They would have themed detoxes, spa detoxes, and snappily named detoxes. Clean Machine or Whole Body Rejuvination. Pure. Spiritual ones: Redemption Rehab.

Alas, most of our patients have lost everything and are usually homeless and poor. So, they get what they get. And usually that means calling the assessment centers every 2 hours for 3 - 5 days. And then they go into the hospital for 4-6 days where they are medically detoxed and then released back into the wild

Catch and Release. That's what we do. Not sure how much fixing or healing we do, but for about 5 days they eat 3 meals a day, get a hot shower and a bed.

We're usually busier during bad weather. January and February? PACKED.

Did I mention I miss laughing at this job? You really need to do that when you work there. A lot. Lucky for them, I'm one funny chick. Funny looking! blalahahaaaahahhahaaa!

I'm tired. Sorry.


JP can climb out of his crib now. He doesn't do it a lot yet, but he's getting there. My alarm clock this morning:

CRASH! Baby gate being knocked down.

Door swings open. I open an eye. I see two little boys standing next to my bed in nothing but diapers.

Seth: Mommy!

JP: Hi!!!!

Seth (gesturing to JP proudly): Mommy! JP!!!

JP: Hi!!!!!!

Seth: Eat, eat??

JP: (rubbing circles onto his tummy) mmmmmm!

Seth: Mommy! Lookit JP!!!

Mommy: Okay boys, let's go eat. JP you got out?

Seth: JP come in!

And so, my two little escape artists and I headed downstairs. To eat-eat.


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