My boy.
JP is struggling,still. He has a very, very hard time dealing with too much stimulus or comotion. He also can't handle change very well. Any break in the expected routine of his day totally sets him off. About a month ago his teacher, his favorite teacher, was transferred. Since then, his behaviors have gotten pretty bad. I shouldn't say his behaviors, more like his inability to self-regulate.
Its sort of like when you get so angry you can't shake it? You know that horrible out-of-control feeling that takes you a while to get over? Well, that's what happens to him. A total inability to get "back" to normal or at least a state of being where he is in control. He flings himself on the ground, bangs his head, screams and screams and cries. Lovely. The poor little guy.
His teachers, in their attempt to deal with him, do whatever they have a moment for. Right now there are 12 kids in his class with 3 teachers. You can imagine how hard it would be for them. I think maybe they're short staffed, but I don't care. I love his teacher Rhonda, she is the one constant in his day and has been with them since they started going to daycare.
It was suggested to me today that I consider switching them to a daycare that is basically where I work. Its a private daycare/preschool and big bucks. Lucky for me, I work here and they will take my voucher so that it won't really cost me any more than the other government run place they are at now. I don't really care about fancy toys or new nap mats. I don't need a super fancy play yard or custom designed pull ropes for walks. The issue here is that this new place is 9 to a class with 3 teachers. They require teachers to hold a BA. All of them. And the students at Mount Holyoke work there too, in fact a lot of them volunteer. This translates to more support and higher educated teachers. And access to teachers who have minors in Spec Ed.
I guess I can't go wrong by switching. The one thing that bothers me is that I like the fact that my sons are surrounded by kids who don't all look like them. Who speak other languages. I don't want them to go to a place where every child is white. I don't even know if this is the case over there... I am just hoping it isn't.
Other things I was told to do included getting him evaluated by a psychiatrist and possibly sign him up for Social Security benefits. I could use the money to buy him toys and materials to help him. I don't know. I have to go to these meetings about establishing your Special Needs Child's Rights and IEPs and services for your Special Needs Child. Is he really special needs? Or is he just a more "needy" kid? I am afraid of turning him into a little project or puzzle that just needs figuring out. With the right therapies and tests he'll be "normal"? Really? I am hesitant to slap a label on my son. He is two and a half. Is it bad that he really only likes playing on his own? I always thought that was normal for some kids.
I fear making the wrong decision. I am afraid of doing too much (and yes, you can do too much) or not enough. I'm struggling once again with balance. Finding the right assistance and skills for him to learn so that life will be easier to cope with. That's what I want. Tools. He needs tools. I'm really struggling with this one.
Its sort of like when you get so angry you can't shake it? You know that horrible out-of-control feeling that takes you a while to get over? Well, that's what happens to him. A total inability to get "back" to normal or at least a state of being where he is in control. He flings himself on the ground, bangs his head, screams and screams and cries. Lovely. The poor little guy.
His teachers, in their attempt to deal with him, do whatever they have a moment for. Right now there are 12 kids in his class with 3 teachers. You can imagine how hard it would be for them. I think maybe they're short staffed, but I don't care. I love his teacher Rhonda, she is the one constant in his day and has been with them since they started going to daycare.
It was suggested to me today that I consider switching them to a daycare that is basically where I work. Its a private daycare/preschool and big bucks. Lucky for me, I work here and they will take my voucher so that it won't really cost me any more than the other government run place they are at now. I don't really care about fancy toys or new nap mats. I don't need a super fancy play yard or custom designed pull ropes for walks. The issue here is that this new place is 9 to a class with 3 teachers. They require teachers to hold a BA. All of them. And the students at Mount Holyoke work there too, in fact a lot of them volunteer. This translates to more support and higher educated teachers. And access to teachers who have minors in Spec Ed.
I guess I can't go wrong by switching. The one thing that bothers me is that I like the fact that my sons are surrounded by kids who don't all look like them. Who speak other languages. I don't want them to go to a place where every child is white. I don't even know if this is the case over there... I am just hoping it isn't.
Other things I was told to do included getting him evaluated by a psychiatrist and possibly sign him up for Social Security benefits. I could use the money to buy him toys and materials to help him. I don't know. I have to go to these meetings about establishing your Special Needs Child's Rights and IEPs and services for your Special Needs Child. Is he really special needs? Or is he just a more "needy" kid? I am afraid of turning him into a little project or puzzle that just needs figuring out. With the right therapies and tests he'll be "normal"? Really? I am hesitant to slap a label on my son. He is two and a half. Is it bad that he really only likes playing on his own? I always thought that was normal for some kids.
I fear making the wrong decision. I am afraid of doing too much (and yes, you can do too much) or not enough. I'm struggling once again with balance. Finding the right assistance and skills for him to learn so that life will be easier to cope with. That's what I want. Tools. He needs tools. I'm really struggling with this one.
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