Weekends R Fun

JP has been screaming every night at bedtime. Over an hour each night of this horrible screaming. It will wear a person down. Every damn night he is just impossible to get to sleep. And then Saturday he pulled this lovely routine at naptime. After two hours of trying to get the boys to sleep I called up my sister Lisa, popped the boys in the van and went to her house. They fell asleep on the drive over and we ended up staying until after 9. Got home at 10 and both boys went right to sleep. It was an amazing reprieve and my sister and I had a really great visit.

My daughters had slept over there the night before, so they were playing with her kids while the boys played with her husband and her youngest son Brian. Trucks, train, airplanes, legos... you name it. JP found this old broken plastic plane and hasn't put it down since then. Brian let him take it home and he has been sleeping and eating with it ever since. Seth found this tiny little motorcycle and has been doing pretty much the same thing. Funny how they do that. Find one toy out of hundreds that is "The Toy" for a few weeks. Silly kids.

Danielle and Lauren made up this ridiculous poem/song/performance art thing for my mom and dad. It was Grandparents Day yesterday, so they performed for them.

A sample:

Grandma loves us all, she always catches us when we fall. <Danielle falls into Lauren's arms here>

Grandma has a cat named Frankie/Never blow your nose in hankie.

Grandpa C is always knock-knock jokin'
When he's drinkin' his Diet Cokin'

Yeah, it was pretty corny but pretty funny too. They're crazy those two.

Aaron and I escaped yesterday, for almost 2 hours, in the middle of the day!! We went for a couple of beers with my sister Kathy. It was her Birthday Weekend. When you're as cool as her, you get to celebrate for 3 days instead of the average 1. Aaron was more interested in the big screen version of the Patriot's game, but s'all good. Autumn babysat. Had a few brews with Kate and friends. Her son Pat came by and we had a lovely little visit. Hadn't seen him in a while, so that was pretty cool.

Great weekend all told. Even Clancy got to go play and run at my mom and dad's. He's turning out to be a pretty damn cool dog. I can see in a few years how he'll be and I'm pretty proud of the mutt. He looked so perty with his freshly washed fur and all fluffed out. Hahaha. Neat.

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  1. Ya it was a GREAT BIRTHDAY with family and friends but it took 2 days to feel better haha


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