Objects in rearview mirror are on the ground.

Only me. I had to get birth certificates for the boys today. No biggie for most folks, just a little jaunt downtown. Well, driving on medications (that's plural) is one thing, doing so downtown is pretty stupid. So, I hit this white car's mirror and tore that bad boy right off. I pull over, write out my "I'm an idiot, please call me" note and as I walk over to the car I realize it has handicapped plates and the other mirror had been torn off years ago. The car is pretty banged up all around. Great, so I swiped the mirror off an old, handicapped, poor person. Only me.

About 20 minutes ago I got the call. Nicest man introduces himself: Name's Sam. Sam Bolden. I believe you left me a little note today?

Conversation continues, he offers to take the car to this little repair shop in my neighborhood and get a cost to have the mirror fixed. In 10 minutes he has an estimate and is willing to just take cash over going through the insurance company. Great.

He pulls in front of my house and re-introduces himself. "Names Sam. Sam Bolden. I've been fighting this city for years to get my club back. I was up on the 10th floor with my lawyer trying to get back what I built up over my lifetime."

Sam is an older man, driving an early 90's model Buick. He is wearing a hat, gold rimmed glasses, and a large gold watch. He is very dark skinned. An old black cane is at his right side, stretching to the passenger side floor. His car is clean inside and out, but a little worse for the wear. And missing two mirrors.

Turns out that I hit this Sam Bolden's car. Of course. I wouldn't hit just anyone's car, I had to hit THIS car. A few years ago our former Mayor went on this tax evasion/lien rampage and started taking all the properties that owed taxes to the city. Irregardless of any arrangements that may have been made previously. Well, this is one of those cases. Mr. Bolden owed the city almost $400,000 in property taxes.

What I remember most was his comment about one of the town officials having short man syndrome. "That's a form of mental retardation. I kid you not."

He also said that 70% of the country wasn't racist and that Obama is proof of that.

Well, it was to meet you Mr. Bolden.


  1. omg. first off, i love your attention to detail. its striking.

    second of all.. WHAT ARE THE CHANCES?!?


  2. AH!

    i just have to post now because the super secret word verification is catzXX

    now that's a sign if I ever saw one!

    hi ho poster AWAAAY!


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