Am I Who I Wanted to Be?
"At this moment I am torn between who I was and who I want to be."
I just found this note on the filing cabinet outside my office door. Its a simple sentence, but its honesty is striking. Its from a young, college woman 18-21 years old. I don't know who wrote it, but I remember this so vividly. I remember feeling this at so many moments in my life.
I am sitting here asking myself: Did I make it? Am I who I wanted to be? At 36 am I done yet?
Not yet. I'm not there yet and to be quite honest, I don't think we ever really are. We age and we become more truly who we are meant to be, but the process never really ends. Maybe I'm wrong on this, but it would seem that at that moment where we can take a breath and say, "Yeah, this is it. I did it." is probably the same as the moment we take our last breath. That is, if we are given the blessing of a long, full life of course.

I just found this note on the filing cabinet outside my office door. Its a simple sentence, but its honesty is striking. Its from a young, college woman 18-21 years old. I don't know who wrote it, but I remember this so vividly. I remember feeling this at so many moments in my life.
I am sitting here asking myself: Did I make it? Am I who I wanted to be? At 36 am I done yet?
Not yet. I'm not there yet and to be quite honest, I don't think we ever really are. We age and we become more truly who we are meant to be, but the process never really ends. Maybe I'm wrong on this, but it would seem that at that moment where we can take a breath and say, "Yeah, this is it. I did it." is probably the same as the moment we take our last breath. That is, if we are given the blessing of a long, full life of course.
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