Kid Update
I had a big meeting at the pre-school for JP yesterday. No, wait, Tuesday. Today is Thursday??? Oh my God.
Anyhow, the wonderful doctor and autism specialist that diagnosed JP was there to talk about his report and his observations. He is so terrific, I can't believe we were able to access his services through the school system. He raves about the program the boys are in whenever I see him, so that is very nice to hear.
Here's what I learned:
His diagnosis isn't fixed. It might change for the better or worse. He may improve drastically to the point where he is a teenager who is just quite shy. He may get worse and become a full-fledged Asperger's kid. The next 1 - 2 years will be key for JP. His brain is developing so quickly right now that anything is possible and no one has a crystal ball to say where he will be.
He did say that JP is not "fine" and that his needs are real. He is on a 1:1 at daycare and at pre-school. After an initial regression with potty training, he is slowly getting back to where he was. He isn't throwing things, he isn't biting himself or head banging. But he does still have frequent tantrums, he is angered very easily and has zero tolerance for frustration. He has great days and bad days. His delays are significant, his language is still way behind where it should be. So, they made a few adendums to his IEP and we discussed a bit about his future schedules.
On a much brighter note: Seth no longer has a 1:1 and is doing absolutely wonderful. He is loving school, enjoys circle time very much, he sings and dances and plays. He has moments, yes, but the difference is huge. It started with the introduction of the melatonin and continues to improve with his new medication. Very, very encouraging. I have noticed a big improvement in him as well as has Michelle. So while his language continues to improve, Seth is really on a good path right now.
Good news for my Sethie-boy. And encouraging news on some fronts for JP. I'll take what I can get.

Anyhow, the wonderful doctor and autism specialist that diagnosed JP was there to talk about his report and his observations. He is so terrific, I can't believe we were able to access his services through the school system. He raves about the program the boys are in whenever I see him, so that is very nice to hear.
Here's what I learned:
His diagnosis isn't fixed. It might change for the better or worse. He may improve drastically to the point where he is a teenager who is just quite shy. He may get worse and become a full-fledged Asperger's kid. The next 1 - 2 years will be key for JP. His brain is developing so quickly right now that anything is possible and no one has a crystal ball to say where he will be.
He did say that JP is not "fine" and that his needs are real. He is on a 1:1 at daycare and at pre-school. After an initial regression with potty training, he is slowly getting back to where he was. He isn't throwing things, he isn't biting himself or head banging. But he does still have frequent tantrums, he is angered very easily and has zero tolerance for frustration. He has great days and bad days. His delays are significant, his language is still way behind where it should be. So, they made a few adendums to his IEP and we discussed a bit about his future schedules.
On a much brighter note: Seth no longer has a 1:1 and is doing absolutely wonderful. He is loving school, enjoys circle time very much, he sings and dances and plays. He has moments, yes, but the difference is huge. It started with the introduction of the melatonin and continues to improve with his new medication. Very, very encouraging. I have noticed a big improvement in him as well as has Michelle. So while his language continues to improve, Seth is really on a good path right now.
Good news for my Sethie-boy. And encouraging news on some fronts for JP. I'll take what I can get.
Hi Jenn. I haven't read your blog in so long because my laptop died (ugh!). I'm glad to hear the boys are doing well. The ups and downs of it are so hard sometimes, especially wonder "Will he ever get better?". It's scary sometimes. I'm so glad you finally have good people working with you and the boys. Thinking of you!