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Today, its my turn:
Tomorrow we celebrate a life. A life that has touched countless others, that meant something uniquely different to each soul therefore affected by its being, by its passing and by its having been of this earth.
Every day we are reminded not just how much we miss Patrick, but how much Patrick has missed or will miss on this earth. The magnitude and immeasurable loss becomes more real, becomes more a part of our lives. And so, we make room for memories and we move aside a few moments every day, every hour to reflecting on that loss. And in those brief reflections, we bring new life to Patrick's legacy.
We bring with us the joy that we shared with him. We carry with us the difficult times, the lessons learned and lessons lost. We make subtle changes in our choices, we hug our loved ones a little more. We give thanks for the day in ways we may never have before. We listen. We say what we mean and we mean what we say.
And therein lies a message: A life well-lived engenders other lives to also be well-lived.
To pay heed to the little things, to notice a crisp and clear starry sky or a particularly pink and orange sunrise. To turn the radio up, to toast a happy occasion. To let the little things roll and the important things to grab us cold and shake us anew. To love with boundless energy and to let go of hate and learn to truly forgive.
Patrick had many friends. Friends from every walk of life. Tomorrow night is a celebration of THAT. Of the friendships that he made, of the difference he made in our lives. Growing up we are often told that we are who our friends are. How lucky that Patrick had such great friends.
The great Irish poet and writer William Butler Yeats said it best:

Tomorrow we celebrate a life. A life that has touched countless others, that meant something uniquely different to each soul therefore affected by its being, by its passing and by its having been of this earth.
Every day we are reminded not just how much we miss Patrick, but how much Patrick has missed or will miss on this earth. The magnitude and immeasurable loss becomes more real, becomes more a part of our lives. And so, we make room for memories and we move aside a few moments every day, every hour to reflecting on that loss. And in those brief reflections, we bring new life to Patrick's legacy.
We bring with us the joy that we shared with him. We carry with us the difficult times, the lessons learned and lessons lost. We make subtle changes in our choices, we hug our loved ones a little more. We give thanks for the day in ways we may never have before. We listen. We say what we mean and we mean what we say.
And therein lies a message: A life well-lived engenders other lives to also be well-lived.
To pay heed to the little things, to notice a crisp and clear starry sky or a particularly pink and orange sunrise. To turn the radio up, to toast a happy occasion. To let the little things roll and the important things to grab us cold and shake us anew. To love with boundless energy and to let go of hate and learn to truly forgive.
Patrick had many friends. Friends from every walk of life. Tomorrow night is a celebration of THAT. Of the friendships that he made, of the difference he made in our lives. Growing up we are often told that we are who our friends are. How lucky that Patrick had such great friends.
The great Irish poet and writer William Butler Yeats said it best:
"Think where mans glory most begins and ends, and say my
glory was I had such friends."
glory was I had such friends."