All About the Kids

Well, things are really taking off!! WOW! It never, never ceases to amaze me... kindness and giving from a small town. Crazy. People are sending emails and messages on Facebook with offers to help with this very big, beastly, fun, crazy fundraiser!!
As a note, the name of this fundraiser is a quote from Patrick. He was often heard saying things like, "Its all about the kids." or "All for the kids." In fact, a dear friend of ours wrote this letter and its where I got the name from.
There is so much planned for the day, it was impossible to include it all on the poster. What's important is that we've gotten some serious boosts from the following folks/businesses:
PIP - just donated the printing of our posters and tickets (thank you Wendy!)
Breezy Acres - Thank you Evelyn & staff for helping sell tickets
Summit General Store - Thank you Skippy and family for also being a vendor for tickets
Patty's 4-10 Lounge - As usual, you guys always come through!!! To the owners and customers, your support means a lot!
Polish - American Club - Donna and staff, thanks a million. Stop in, have a cold one and grab a ticket from these great people!
There are more and as planning goes on, I'll be adding and updating here and on TPCP site. This is going to be a FUN day!! Hope to see you there!!!
Some agenda items not on the poster:
-Chair massages - thank you to Roxie's Therapeutic Massage
-Three-card tarot readings (by your's truly, I'll be doing major arcana readings after 6pm for donations only)
-Possible car/motorcycle show (in the works still)
-Poker games (entertainment only!)
-Family games will include: three-legged races, water balloon toss, sack races, and more. Prizes for the kids!
We are currently looking for a band or a dj. We would love to have a bunch of local kids play during the day with their bands, but trying to find a sound system to borrow isn't panning out. Maybe next year.
Okay.... go get your tickets!!!
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