My Friend Pat Curran

I received this letter from a friend yesterday. Maybe I won't have to write anything, I think she did this beautifully. Thanks so much Nancy.

The first time I met Pat it was in the Spring of 2003. I was to attend a Recreation Commission meeting to discuss my concerns regarding the old wooden play-structure at Dufresne Park. I walked in and he was the only one present. I was taken aback when I met him. He had a tattoo and a crucifix covered in diamonds hanging from a silver chain over a green and yellow nylon basketball jersey. I decided to sit down and tell Pat my story. He shared with me how much he loved the wooden park but understood the concerns for the childrens’ safety in its current condition. We talked about working together to get a new safer area for kids play. He gave me a lopsided grin and said “anything for the kids Nance”. I knew then that his tough guy exterior held a warm caring heart who wanted to do what was best.

A few years later I ran into Pat again. This time he asked me if I would support him in his run for Selectman. I kinda himmed and hawed as I wasn’t sure he was up to the task. I assured him I would consider it and I did. I considered it for about 5 seconds. Sorry Pat I didn’t vote for you but I still thought you were a great kid. To my surprise Pat was elected. I ran into him at Town hall and he promised me he would do the best job he could. At the first town meeting there was my friend Pat, sitting next to Bryan wearing a white dress shirt, black dress pants and black shoes, without any socks on. I grinned ear to ear when he asked me “how do I look?” I assured him he looked very nice and he shared with me he was nervous. I told him to just keep an eye on Bryan and follow his lead. Pat got up and read his article clearly and sat down in his chair and winked at me. I knew what he was saying “I got this one in the bag”. I knew my friend Pat was changing, his confidence was growing and he was feeling respected. He saw me the next day at town hall. He told me he saw a poster hanging up for my Earth Day cleanup. He offered to come. I teased him that as a selectman he had bigger fish to fry. But with a lopsided grin he looked at me and said “anything for the kids Nance.”

I watched my friend Pat grow and evolve into a strong and confident man. Every now and then he would call my cell phone to give me an update on his basket ball activities and tell me some funny story. This fall I told him that the bank gave us ten thousand dollars to add on to the playstructure in the spring. He assured he would be there. He told me he was very busy but looked at me with a lopsided grin and said “anything for the kids Nance”

So next spring when the community comes together to add on to the playstructure at Dufresne park. Lets all remember that Pat promised to be there. So, I am sure he will be there with us because remember what my friend Pat always said “anything for the kids Nance”.

~Nancy Hoffenberg


  1. Beautifully written. I did not know Pat Curran, but I can see that he was a wonderful man who will be missed by all those he touched.

  2. Oh my gosh my dad helped build that playground..I grew up with Pat we even played at that very park..Until now I did not know he passed.That is a beautiful story thakyou so very much for shareing such a personal memory.


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