Avatar 3D

First of all, if you want to see it... see it in 3D.  If you saw it and saw it in 2D, you need to go and see it again in the way it was meant to be seen.

Okay, here's the thing.  James Cameron has a helluva lot of talent.  Writing dialogue isn't what he does best.  The characters in this story are stock.  Their motivations are obvious and yes, 2 dimensnional.  You've seen all of these people in all of his movies.  The story itself is simple, uncomplicated melodrama.  The acting is average.  The ending is predictable.  All of that said... it is stunningly gorgeous and the world of Pandora is simply breathtaking.

I'm not one for gimics.  I'm not one who needs 3D as a carrot to get me into a theatre.  But this time, the technology supports the story and creates a world that you will want to visit and explore.  I cannot imagine sitting through the movie without it in fact.

So, go see where the industry and technology is heading.  It is entertaining as all get out.  Splurge on the extra few bucks for a pair of plastic glasses and enjoy the ride.

**If you are prone to motion sickness or have vertigo -- you are warned.  I left so totally sick to my stomach! I can't watch a lot of shaky hand-held stuff either.  Just a head's up!


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