Scan It!

I was in Springfield yesterday and decided to do my groceries at my most favorite grocery store:  Super Stop and Shop on Boston Road in Springfield.  As I walked in, I noticed this huge rack of scanners and grocery bags.  Upon further investigation, I found that these scanners are for customers.  Basically, you scan your groceries as you go and bag as you go.  The little gun thing keeps a running total for you so you can stay on budget.

I cannot tell you the joy that filled my heart!  Here's how it works and why its awesome:

1.  Scan your S&S card.

2.  Look on the rack - a scanner will light up from where it is sitting.

3. Grab that bad boy and any bags you need (if you don't have reusable ones already)

4. Shop. 

5.  As you grab what you need from the shelf, hold the yellow button and scan it. 

6. Place what you scanned in a bag

7.  Keep going until you have all your groceries done.

8.  Change your mind? No problem, just press n the "Return Item" button and scan whatever it is you want to put back.

9.  There is a running total of what you have spent so far.  If you are using coupons, you will need to use these at the register still.  All your discounts from your card will be represented in your total though.

10.  Go into a register lane and scan the "Finished" sign near the conveyer belt.

11.  When its your turn, hand the scanner and your card to the cashier.

12.  Pay and you are finished!

Why is this awesome?

Other than the obvious bonus of not having to do math while shopping (English majors everywhere are rejoicing)....

Everything is bagged!  No waiting.  No rushing at the checkout to bag your own in the Self Service lanes.  Lines move faster, much faster.  If you get into a lane and are fortunate enough to be behind others using this device, then you will really fly out of there.

And of course there is that little thing called a "budget."  By seeing exactly what you've spent you can stay under your grocery budget but get so close that you actually take home more groceries.  I don't know about you, but when I do my shopping I just round up.  This means I end up taking home less and having a, "Oh dammit! I did have enough to spring for the better coffee."  Now... I can just go and switch it if I have the cash. 

So. Cool. 

Fair warning:  Parents of twins... they will fight over this.  I did my shopping on this day alone but I can totally see a war over it if I use this when they are with me.  In fact, I think my almost 16 year old and 13 year old will probably have to war it out too. 

Happy shopping!  And for the locals:  this particular Stop and Shop is way cheaper than any Big Y in Chicopee.  They have the best prices, a huge whole foods section and tons of great in-store deals.  I find the prices comparable to Wal-Mart only without being, well, Wal-Mart.  Its bright, clean and downright enormous.  Well worth the trip out!


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