You know, I'll just own it: I'm a movie snob. I really am. I make exceptions for really corny comedies and slapstick though. Other than that, I really only see movies that fit into the "films" category. My most favorite flicks include American Beauty, The Departed, Godfather, Gone Baby Gone, most Scorcese films and stuff like Magnolia and Million Dollar Baby. Well, Inception just bumped them all down a notch (except for my beloved American Beauty).
Inception has been described as one of the best films in the past decade. I couldn't agree more.
We watched this movie last night to a packed theater that included a bus load of teenagers from some summer camp. Aaron and I were, well, concerned. Concerned that I would end up slapping one of them if they disturbed a much needed, rare night out. We knew it was a movie you had to actually watch and if there was going to be popcorn throwing, texting, giggling and scrambling, I was ready to bring out the mommy voice.
Well, the movie is so damn good no one moved for the entire 2.5 hours. You could have heard a pin drop.
Yes, its better than the hype. Yes, it really is story telling at its very, very best.
I don't go for big, loud CG-infested Hollywood films. But here, the CG is part of the story. In fact, it is a character in the movie. The dreamworld that is built is representative of the minds and innerworlds of the characters. It tells their stories. And it is stunning. That being said... the writing and acting are so superb that together you can't help but be brought right into these worlds.
I want to talk about pace. Pace in a 3 minute scene on a stage is hard. Pace in a movie that is using both real-world time and "dream time" is akin to rocket science and astrophysics hard. But you won't notice that until the ride home. When you reflect back on that van, that suspended van, inching its way towards the water. Ah! Perfect!
Storytelling. Because that's really what its about. Christopher Nolan is nothing less than a genius. If you saw Memento, you know this already. And if you saw Dark Knight then you really got to see his talent. This guy? This guy just made one of the most difficult story lines, most complex plots actually easy to follow. In anyone else's hands this thing could have been a serious convoluted mess. You never felt pandered to, you never felt manipulated. And you were sucked in within 30 seconds.
In a time where people are just cynical and everyone is counting pennies, to see a movie that takes its audience on a journey like this is rare. We're in a time now where big studios are only allowing our imaginations to go as far as super hero remakes and remakes of remakes and sequels... this was a big gamble. But that's the thing. You never question his motives, you never question what that little machine is and how the heck it works. Because who cares??? Its the story, stupid. And you go with him, you just suck it all in and go for the ride.
I don't want to give too much away. You just need to see this. Leo is amazing, as per usual. Ellen Page, Joseph Gordon Levitt were just as wonderful. That Joseph Gordon Levitt is going to become one of the greatest actors of our time. I just know it. Watch him... you'll see. His vulnerability is honest, never forced. His quiet confidence makes you believe that he is always one step ahead of the game and that is something you just can't help but watch.
This movie was perfect. In every sense of the word. And I don't think I've said that about any other movie besides AB.
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