Steven Slater, American Hero to the Working Class!
I love this guy. You know why I love this guy? Because he had the balls to do what every single one of us has wanted to do.
You know, I quit a job not that long ago. I had practiced in my head thousands of speeches and ways to kiss the place goodbye. In fact, until I actually sat my ass in a chair at my exit interview I really had a few good lines to say (only to 1 out of like 5 bosses). But, right as I sat down, the words, "Clean and classy. Give them no recourse. Just leave it clean and classy Jenn." came into my wee brain. So, I said nothing about the intense crazy I had experienced during the previous two years and smiled and nodded and left things as, well, clean and classy as I could.
But you know, if Porter Hall had an escape shoot and a beer cart, things probably would have ended differently.
Just sayin'!
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