
The attacks on our country nearly a decade ago resulted in many, many things.  For a while there we were flag waving, yellow ribbon wearing patriots again.  And then the politicians got involved and gave us things like Homeland Security, The Patriot Act and the TSA.

Out of fear we have given up personal freedoms, rights and privacy.  The TSA has never prevented a thing nor found anything that saved a single life.  And yet, passengers line up shoeless and submit to either the naked scan or a fierce "search."  

One woman was subjected to a particularly harsh search.  When she complained, she was sued for $500,000.  Her attorney's response speaks for millions of Americans desperate to stop the madness.  I invite you to read this truly brilliant piece.

Here is a highlight:

"After the 9/11 attacks, America wallowed in fear, and ignoble politicians took advantage of that national temporary psychosis. In doing so, they foisted an intrusive security apparatus upon us, but one that was never effective at making us safer. It was, however, effective at rolling back our rights under the Fourth Amendment. We may have killed Osama Bin Laden this year, but he actually defeated the American way of life ten years ago. On September. 11, 2001, America went from “the land of the free and the home of the brave” to a nation of mewling cowards, eager to give up their liberties for perceived “safety.”  One of the worst symptoms of this transformation is the TSA and its minions of blue-shirted “officers.” As numerous investigations1 of these checkpoints’ efficacy reveal, anyone with a marginal IQ and the desire to evade them can and will do so."

This woman should be heralded as a hero.  She did what every American should do - protest and complain loudly and clearly.  The TSA is what happens when you govern out of fear, when you allow the fat cats to take over and make decisions for you.  Yes, September 11th was scary and horrific and it forever changed how we perceive the world and our place in it.  But this is America and you should be able to fly to Disney World without being raped at the airport.  You know, because there's bombs up there. 

Where is our country?  Where is our anger and frustration?  Our apathy and shoulder shrugging has gotten us here.  What are you willing to stand up for?  Where does it end?


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