Think About It

I'm not writing about Mitt Romney.  In fact, I'm not really thinking of any single politician right now.  I'm thinking about a typical stance by those who say they are pro-life, except in cases of rape, incest or if the life of the mother is in jeapordy.

We have been hearing this rhetoric for what?  Forty years?  It has become so rote, so predictable that women and men have stopped questioning this.  After all, it seems reasonable. And nobody likes abortion.  So, we let it slide. 

But think about it for just a minute.  Go deeper. What does that really mean?  What would happen if this actually became law? 

If a 14 year old girl is raped and gets pregnant... does she have to wait until the trial is over and the rape is proven before her abortion is approved?  Considering how long these drag out, she could have that abortion when her child reaches its first birthday.  And what if she can't prove the rape?

And what happens when a teenage girl has sex and ends up pregnant?  What if her parents are very, very religious and she knows that this would mean being kicked out of her home and abandoned?  Does she cry rape?  Will the courts be over-run by bogus claims so that women can access abortions?

In the matter of the life of the mother being at risk, what life threatening illnesses qualify?  Will she have to see a government appointed doctor to say that yes, if this pregnancy continues this woman may die.  And what if it isn't that clear?  What if there is only a 20% chance?  Or, what if she suffers from severe gestational diabetes?  Does she have to wait three or four months for the diabetes to kick into high gear and have some sort of near death experience before getting the government to approve the abortion?  And now that she is that far along, how will she feel about that (assuming she is not in a diabetic coma by this time)?

These are real and valid points folks.  This stance makes NO sense.  Either you are staunchly pro-life with no care about the woman who is pregnant or you are pro-choice.  Its that simple. 

Okay, so maybe I am talking about Mittens and his little buddy Paul Ryan.  The question is, which Mitt?  The formerly pro-life at all costs or the even further back pro-choicer or the currently middle of the road Mitt who seems confused by all the uteri around him.  If only we would stay in our binders.


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