
Fibro sucks. Three days now its been slowly rearing its head and this morning it hit like a ton of bricks. I'm totally exhausted. Coffee will help. I need to refill my meds today, I've been out of them for over 2 weeks. I think I had a case of, "Gosh, I feel so good I don't need medicine!" Idiot... I felt good because they were WORKING!!

I'll never learn.

So, Miss Tia pooped everywhere this morning. All over the carpet. Aaron was NOT happy and right now I think he's ready to have me offed. I'm sorry Aaron.

Tia went to the vet yesterday to have her eyes checked out. She isn't missing an eye, but rather its a tiny undeveloped eye in there. The other eye has no vision at all. And her head tilt is just from her lacking vision, nothing neurological. I sort of thought that but adoptive families will want to know for sure. Oh, and she is going to have a procedure done next week to help stop the tiny eye from being irritated by her eyelashes. That will help with tearing and comfort for her.

She slept last night from 11 - 7 this morning!! What a good girl.


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