Golden Globes

If you missed 'em and want a quick play by play that is also HYSTERICAL... then click on the title and your wishes will come true!!!

I didn't seen Forrest Whittaker's movie, but I did see both of Leo's and can I just say for the record: He had better kicked ass and taken names to beat Leo. The Departed is one of the greatest movies I think I've seen in a very, very long time. It is an instant classic and yes, I think its better than Goodfellas and a close second to Godfather. There I said it.

Little Miss Sunshine was great. It should have won due to the fact that Borat really only had 2 actors and only one was great. LMS was pure genius even if Borat was hysterically funny.

Helen Miren wins twice for two movies about queens... I think the Hollywood Foreign Press owes Nathan Lane a globe or three.

Ugly Betty wins over The OFfice??? Bleck. Can't stand the cartoonish quality of the show. The Office is one of the greatest comedies on tv, but its smart so a lot people don't get it. Scrubs was robbed. Another great show.

Meryl Streep should win for acting surprised EVERY time she wins. She's good and I'm glad she wins because her acceptance jargon is usually the highlight of the night.

Sascha Cohen... you funny bastard.

What was up with Prince? JT saved the moment with his squatting thank you on his behalf.

Heroes should have won over GA. Period. Greatest damn show in a long time. I stopped watching Lost after last season's suck fest. I hear its good again, but I don't have time for inconsistency. Be good or be gone. Heroes is always great, every episode something actually happens, its not just an hour of build up and then tune in next week. I hated that about Lost.

Okay, I'm out.


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