Completely Rambling Nonsense

Hi blog.  Been a while since I wrote something real on here, don't get your hopes up though.  Its late and I have no clue where I'm going from here.  I just thought I'd start moving my fingers over the keys and hope for the best.

On an entirely personal and probably TMI subject:  the Mirena is gone.  As of today.  Why am I writing about this?  I ask myself this and its for this reason only - women read this blog who should know that the makers of this thing are big, fat lying liars.  Maybe. 

I'm going to track things to see if my "issues" clear up.  According to what I've read, the hormones in the Mirena will take a full 4 weeks to get out of my system.  Anecdotal evidence and personal stories lean toward a week for some symptoms to start to clear (skin stuff - dryness, itching and eczema), then the dizziness goes, then slowly the muscles and joints come back to normal.  I've learned to deal with the skin stuff (Aquafor, I love you) and the vertigo is sorta fun sometimes, so I guess the big guns will be the pain, anxiety and heart rate.  Oh yeah, the last three times I've had my blood pressure and pulse taken, my heart rate is through the roof.  I noticed it at the gym a while back (who am I kidding? It was like seven months ago) and just thought I was seriously out of shape.  Then a few doc appointments happened and they all asked "Are you nervous?"  And then there was the ED visit via ambulance where I thought I was going to die and couldn't stop vomiting.  My heart rate was so fast that they kept me in the ED until morning.  That was fun.

Other things on my mind include the fact that on Saturday it will be two years since Patrick passed away.  Somehow this seems both way too long and way too short.  Sometimes I feel like its been years and years and other times it seems like yesterday.  In both of these scenarios, I come out feeling pretty much the same.  Pissed off and then sad and then angry and sad again.  Then I'll get wistful or sentimental.  Sometimes I cry and other times I want to throw my kitchen chair through the wall.

There should be a place with fake walls and chairs and prop dishes where people could go and just fucking throw shit.  Just break it all and scream and yell and act totally out of control, pay the man $100 and go home.  I'd name it "Anger Alley" or "Throw Shit and Feel Better."  Something really to the point.  There would be lines around the corner and down the street.  Mass Mutual laying off again?  Everyone to TS&FB!!!  Taxes going up?  Grab a chair and don't sit for a while... throw that bitch through a wall!  Husband pissing you off?  Throw the dishes at Anger Alley and save the Pottery Barn china for company!  Raising teenagers?  Check out the "I'm going to fucking kill someone today" room where everything is made of glass and is your's for the throwing!

I'd make millions I tell you.  Millions.  Just watch the news and tell me you don't want to throw stuff at the tv.  I dare you.

My God, we could have a PMS room!  Where you get to throw everything, then sit on a couch and eat chocolate, sip wine, chew on a Midol and watch Legends of the Fall. 

See what happens when I let my fingers just go all nutty without a plan? 

Wait! There's more...

Anyone else out there loving The Big C and hating on Weeds this year? Other than the eye candy that is Silas, I'm starting to hate Nancy.  I don't like that because I used to love her, she was my slacker mom hero.  Laura Linney on the other hand? I'm in love.  She is absolutely brilliant and I love every second of that show.  Every. Second.

Dexter is better with the annoying Rita dead.  And her bitchy daughter.  Ugh I couldn't stand that story line!!!  If only there was a way to get rid of that baby... too dark?  Probably, but you're thinking it and you know it!!

Modern Family is still fantastic, so at least there's that.  Running Wilde is canceled.  I never should have said that I liked it.  Every stupid fall at least one great new show is killed off.  But moronic crap gets renewed every year.  Two and a Half Men was funny for like two and a half minutes.  Charlie: the hair piece has GOT to go.  You look like, well, like an old dude that's bald and hiding it.  You're old, get over it.

OK, I'm officially rambling.  Off to bed.




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