"We're so busy watching out for what's just ahead of us 
that we don't take time to enjoy where we are.”
~Calvin and Hobbes

Seth and JP not posing for the camera 3/10/2012
There in the bright flash, the silliness and the connection

In the snap of a shutter and the click of a button 
First birthday - 3/21/2006
Against a bedroom wall and tucked into the corner
JP - 3/2007 - 2 years old

Two boys, four arms and four legs

Two hearts and two pairs of eyes
Seth - two years old

Silent language and small gestures that slide through the air
Third birthday

Unspeakable and unknowable the invisible cord
Seth - Four years old

That ties them together for always and forever
Boys - five years old

My boys, my beautiful and amazing twin boys.

My Brother's Keeper - 4/2005 - Seth has his arm around JP. This isn't an accident, not then and not now.


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