Bright Future, Brilliant Girl

I'm in a large field and surrounded by classmates from high school. Some I was close to, others I wasn't. But there they all were, in this open but hilly field. We were an audience for an outdoor movie and the sky was summer perfect: bright blue with billowing white clouds.

The crowd was dispersing, slowly. And as these old friends were walking off the field my daughters suddenly appeared. Danielle was carrying boxes of all sizes. They were filled with my things, some long lost and some seemingly empty. As she walked, she was dropping boxes all around. I would run to each and open it to reveal its hidden treasure. Some held jewelry that I had a child or belonged to family members. And some I would crack open and in a puff of dust I would re-tell a story or memory of a moment that held some significance to me. The box itself was empty, but surely the memory would play out for me as if it was just happening.

The last box I opened revealed a beautiful ring. It was glistening and the stone was orange, in its center a tiny gold star. I showed it to her and said "Oh, this hasn't happened yet. I don't think we were supposed to open this one." Danielle ran over and closed up the box, she asked if she could keep it until it was time to open it again. I agreed and she folded up the box into nothing, placed in her pocket and said she would keep it safe and wouldn't lose it. I asked her where she found it and she simply pointed to the horizon and said she got it from there. "Where?" I couldn't see where she was pointing to, the haze of the dream was in the way of my seeing clearly.

"Mom, just trust me. Its from over there, where you can't see yet. You'll see it when its time okay? Sometimes I see things different from you. Its going to be okay, that ring is so shiny and so new it will stay that way forever."


Today, I'm thinking about what that ring represents. And I'm smiling for my girl.


  1. the ring could mean anything.
    it could mean a bad future, or a bright future. and because you dont know where its coming from, or when, it most likely means death or drastic change.


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