Rain. Something like 34 days of rain out the past 37 or something. Today, though... the sun is out. Rumor has it that we will have approximately 2-3 days of mostly sun before it starts, yes, raining again.

The weather is taking its toll on people. Exhaustion from lack of sun and vitamin D. Cabin fever and bouts of anger and then fits of joy capitalized by spontaneous dance numbers in kitchens and living rooms. And then the crash and nap follows. Houses are being cleaned only to be dessimated an hour later by children who have run laps and played too many rounds of indoor hide-n-seek. There is a shortage of crayons, markers and Fun Pads at the local stores. Fuzzy Posters have seen an all-time high in demand. Clothespins, however, are sitting on shelves covered in dust. Customers have started shoving them to the back as the reminder of sunshine is too much to bear.

Take heart fellow New Englanders... for today... today there will be sun!!


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